Don Naylor + Associates Ltd. Landscape Architects is an award winning, Canadian owned company located in Brampton, Ontario since 1982. We provide our clients with creative and innovative design services in the fields of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning. As prime consultant or as a member of a multidisciplinary team, the Firm has always played a crucial role in establishing harmony between built form and the environment.

Bronte Creek aerial view, OakvilleBronte Creek, OakvilleBronte Creek playground, OakvilleSimcoe Shores, BarrieWillow Farm, OakvilleWillow Farm pool, AuroraMcLaughlin Park, BramptonFourteen Mile Creek tributaryThunder Highlands Golf Course, Thunder BeachMarkham Bicentennial MonumentCaledon District Park GazeboSouthfields Phase 2 Community ParkPrice Residence